I am a fluent storyteller, memoirist and lover of prose poetry. I started this blog with the intention of connecting with others on a deeper, more profound level. I write to heal and inspire but also to defy the human mind. My unrestricted curiosity has caused me to forage for meaning in an otherwise futile existence. My words are my way of translating these discoveries within the universe, humanity and the self – all of which I believe are one and the same.

My Story

How I Became a Writer
I have always been a writer but I didn’t always know it. When I was a singer many years ago, I wrote in the form of song lyrics. When I lived in Hollywood, I wrote screenplays. Once I started traveling, I pursued travel blogging and writing my memoir, “Lost on Purpose.” Currently, I write for the self-improvement section of the Thought Catalog and create content for this blog. I also hope to publish a book of poetry/poetic prose soon!

My Passion for Travel
I’m a nomad at heart and have traveled to nearly fifty countries in this lifetime so far. I believe that travel is nourishment for the soul. I have also lived in New Zealand on a working-holiday visa and taught English in Spain for a year on the island, Palma de Mallorca.

Life at Sea
For over three years I lived and worked on boats – everything from 30m classic sailboats to 80m mega yachts. I’ve gotten to travel extensively because of the work I did as a stewardess and much of the work inspired my memoir, “Lost on Purpose,” which will hopefully be released at the end of next year.
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